Family physician, author, blogger, speaker, physician leader.

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Andrew Yang – SECOND moves after suspending his campaign

DONATE TO ANDREW YANG’S CAMPAIGN When Andrew suspended his campaign on February 11, 2020, when it became clear he did not have a clear path to the presidency, the question for many in the Yang Gang was: what comes next? DECISIONS BASED ON THREE KEY FACTORS The mission has not changed since suspending the campaign. They are: (1) How to best get Donald Trump out of the White House (2) How to get universal basic income (UBI) or the Freedom Dividend to be part of the American agenda (3) Move the country forward to prepare for the fourth industrial revolution. Blog post summary of PBS FRONTLINE – AI – Summary of Part Two – automation and the fourth industrial revolution will be economically and socially disruptive, are laid out here. INITIAL FIRST STEPS This is how I believe Andrew is looking at the situation. Any ideas that can hit (1) […] Read More »



Andrew Yang – Yin For Yang Podcast – Mental Health

I was thrilled to have the tremendous opportunity to speak to Betsy, host of the Yin for Yang podcast recently, to discuss how the Andrew Yang supporters, the Yang Gang, might cope with the campaign being suspended and moving on to a different phase. Yin for Yang – Episode 9 – Mental Health Part II Yang Gang members come from different backgrounds and ages as well as different levels of physical, emotional, and financial commitment and connections to the campaign and understandably would have different decreases of responses to the sudden and unexpected suspension of the campaign. The key points from our discussion was the importance of 1) Self care – eating, sleeping, physical activity2) Reconnecting with loved ones and friends3) Finding and staying in touch with like minded Yang Gang supporters4) Express gratitude of things or experiences you are grateful for every day. Take care of self. Be available […] Read More »



Andrew Yang – FIRST moves after suspending his campaign

DONATE TO ANDREW YANG’S CAMPAIGN When Andrew suspended his campaign on February 11, 2020, when it became clear he did not have a clear path to the presidency, the question for many in the Yang Gang was: what comes next? CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR – GREAT PIVOT In a surprise move, Andrew joined CNN as a political commentator and today brought his usual optimism, clarity, and candor to CNN with pre and post Democratic Debate analysis. This probably should not have been a complete surprise as I argued previously that the mission for Andrew hasn’t changed. He ran for president not because he wanted to, but because he felt compelled to. Running for POTUS provided him the largest platform to talk about the fourth industrial revolution and the importance of passing the universal basic income (UBI) or Freedom Dividend. With that path no longer a viable option, the the idea of […] Read More »



Andrew Yang – Next Steps. Rest. Reassess. Reset. Restart. Why he will unsuspend the campaign

Andrew Yang will continue to play a role in the DNC upcoming nomination process after concluding that the mission of ensuring the Freedom Dividend or Universal Basic Income (UBI) is necessary to be part of the DNC platform. Andrew will conclude that waiting until 2024 is too long and too risky for the country and eventual Democratic nominee not to adopt as part of the platform. DONATE TO ANDREW YANG’S CAMPAIGN Suspending the campaign, resting, reassessing and resetting is exactly why he will be back. So much happened so fast and the problems the campaign had in scaling up to make a material impact became more apparent. The good news is the campaign has good leadership making the tough and important judgement call. The good news is Andrew will be back. The campaign will be back. It will be very different than what we’ve seen so farMy blog post was […] Read More »



Best Andrew Yang Hype Videos

DONATE NOW to Andrew Yang’s Campaign Andrew Yang Quotes There’s something about what you do that comes to define you over a period of years (2012) What happens with young people and the choices that they make is determined by the options presented and the resources that are brought to bear making their next steps possible (2014) You’ll be happy to know there’s a guy who’s mission in life it is to improve on this. And that’s me (2015) This is the greatest challenge [4th industrial revolution] right now. It’s driving  all of our dysfunctional social issues and political issues. It’s even driving in my opinion racism and misogyny (2018) We need to get with the program and figure out how to make the economy work for the people (2019) You can feel bad about what’s going on with this country, but the moment you feel like your doing something […] Read More »
