Family physician, author, blogger, speaker, physician leader.

Recent Articles

The Joy of Watching Intellectual Sparring – Adam Grant, Malcolm Gladwell, Robert Pearl, Shannon Brownlee, Ezekiel Emanuel, David Feinberg

So much fun watching smart experts accurately debate disparate points of view. My recent favorites worth watching more than once!   Courtesy of IntelligenceSquared Debates. Topic – The U.S. Health Care System Is Terminally Broken Robert Pearl, Shannon Brownlee, Ezekiel Emanuel, David Feinberg     Malcolm Gladwell and Adam Grant In a special live taping at the 92nd Street Y in New York, Adam talks with Revisionist History’s Malcolm Gladwell about how to avoid doing highly undesirable tasks, what makes an idea interesting, and why Malcolm thinks we shouldn’t root for the underdog. This episode is brought to you by Accenture, Bonobos, JPMorgan Chase & Co., and Warby Parker. We’re doing a listener survey about WorkLife with Adam Grant! We’d really appreciate a few minutes of your time to help us improve the show:   Also Gladwell and Grant



Michael B Jordan, Black Panther, Broken Retainer, HIPAA Violation?

After an orthodontist blogged about an emergency visit where his patient broke her retainer after watching Michael B Jordan in the blockbuster hit, the Black Panther, the young woman identified herself as the anonymous patient after learning about the story via twitter. Though she was initially quite embarrassed, she was ultimately good-natured about all of the unexpected publicity. The natural question for many health care providers was whether there was a violation of patient privacy or HIPAA? If there was, was there any harm? If there was a violation of patient privacy or HIPAA, what should the consequences be if any? HIPAA Violation? Protecting PHI Alone May Not Be Enough What we know is that the orthodontist in question feels that this blog post was not a HIPAA violation. This much is clear on his tumblr blog. He might be correct on first glance. Classically, health care providers and other […] Read More »



Cold Sores Treatment – Acyclovir (Zovirax), Valacyclovir (Valtrex), Famciclovir (Famvir)

Cold sores are a pain. Prescription cold sores treatment is available. Our doctors can help. We just added our 14th service – COLD SORE TREATMENT to our growing list of services for Lemonaid Health! If safe and appropriate, we can prescribe either as needed treatment or daily preventive treatment for recurrent cold sores. The COLD SORE TREATMENT service is now available for patients in the following 17 states: AZ, CA, CT, FL, GA, IL, MD, MI, MO, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, VA, and WA. Other states coming soon. (as of 2020, this is ALL 50 states and Washington DC) So long as this isn’t your first cold sore, our doctors can give you a prescription for an effective anti-viral cold sore treatment. With our 2-hour turnaround during business hours you can pick up your medicines at the pharmacy before you know it. There are 2 different reasons to […] Read More »



Stop Smoking with Zyban (Bupropion) or Chantix (Varenicline) and Lemonaid Health

At Lemonaid Health, we just added the STOP SMOKING service to our growing list of services for Lemonaid Health! If safe and appropriate, we can prescribe either a 3 month supply of bupropion (Zyban) or varenicline (Chantix) which can double the success rate to quit. The STOP SMOKING service is now available for patients in the following states: AZ, CA, CT, FL, GA, IL, MD, MI, MO, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, VA, and WA. Other states coming soon! Now in 2020, available in ALL 50 states and Washington DC Key Tips On average it takes a person about 5 times to quit smoking for good. So don’t give up if you’ve tried successfully but still find yourself back to smoking! In my experience, many people who quit successfully do so cold-turkey or without any prescription or over-the-counter nicotine gum or patch. That being said, it doesn’t matter how […] Read More »



Shouldn’t Doctors Control Hospital Care? Yes. Physician Leadership Matters.

Does physician leadership matter asks cardiologist and author Dr. Sandeep Jauhar in his NYT opinion piece “Shouldn’t Doctors Control Hospital Care?”.  He opens his piece with the termination of the elected leaders of the medical staff office at the Tulare Regional Medical Center due to poor performance. He answers his rhetorical question with the obvious and simple response that doctors should control hospital care.  Though he cites physician led and well-respected health care organizations like Cleveland Clinic and Mayo Clinic as examples of this, his conclusion begs a different question. Doctors in the past were in control of hospital care, so why the shift to businesspeople running hospitals? The issue lies in the false dichotomy Jauhar and others often create by asking whether physicians or businesspeople should ultimately be responsible for hospital care. A more complete answer would be the importance of physicians leaders embracing both medical and business perspectives. Physicians […] Read More »
